Notion for Startups

Startups get up to 6 months free with unlimited AI - over $6,000 in savings! Start and scale your company on Notion.
Company Home
Organize your company in one place
Plan your long term goals
Product launch
Announce your latest feature
Fundraiser tracker
Keep track of each round
Careers page
Host your latest job openings

Used by startups around the world


of Forbes Cloud 100 companies use Notion


of YC companies use Notion


of users replaced 2+ tools

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Build your company with one tool

How leading startups use Notion

It helps keep us all aligned around the core mission of enabling a creative renaissance by helping writers flourish and can serve as a source of truth for our philosophies and plans for how to make that happen.

Hamish McKenzieCo-founder, Substack

We use Notion as our operating system for everything, from engineering specs to new hire onboarding. Our team tripled in size this past year, and Notion allowed us to keep all information central and quickly accessible.

Nashilu Mouen-MakouaHead of Growth & Operations, Clay

Eligibility & benefits

6 months free with unlimited AI

For non-paying Notion customers with under 50 employees that have raised under $10 million in funding and are affiliated with one of our startup partners.

3 months free with unlimited AI

For non-paying Notion customers with under 50 employees that have raised under $10 million in funding.

Everything you need to get started

A set of templates for each stage of a startup's journey. Created by Notion and leading companies.

Become a program partner

Join our global partner network

As a program partner, you can give your startup network free access to Notion and additional perks!

Questions & answers

Who is eligible?

You must be a non-paying Notion customer, with less than 50 employees and under $10M in funding from an accredited investor. See full terms and conditions.

Why is Notion offering a discount for startups?

We've seen thousands of startups use Notion to get going on the right foot — as a wiki, for project management, document sharing, notes, and more. We want to help more companies lay a strong foundation that can grow with them from the beginning.

How do I apply to receive the discount?

What is the offer worth?

Notion’s Plus Plan costs $12 per member per month paid monthly. Notion’s AI add-on costs $10 per member per month paid monthly. The startup offer is equivalent to a maximum of $6,600 for 50 employees.

How do I suggest a partner that Notion should work with?

Don’t see your investors on our list? There are a few things you can do:

  1. Send them a note encouraging them to join the program.

  2. Tweet at them and @NotionHQ with the hashtag #NotionForStartups and we’ll pick up the conversation! You can also email us at [email protected].

  3. Fill out this application and make your suggestion on our form.

I want this discount to be available to my portfolio companies. How can I become a partner?

We want to hear from you! Apply to be a partner and we’ll get back to you with more information. We’re especially interested in finding partners outside of major tech hubs.

Still have more questions? Message support

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