


Asana powers businesses by organizing their work in one space. Use the link preview to see Asana tasks directly in a Notion page, or use a synced database to bring your Asana projects into Notion databases – and use database filters, views, rollups, and relations to create custom views of your projects, so that everyone across your team can see the project status.

How to use

  • To create a preview of Asana content in Notion, paste any Asana link into Notion, then select Paste as preview. You can also type /asana in any Notion page and a menu will appear, allowing you to paste links directly

    • If it’s your first time using Asana with Notion, you will be prompted to authorize the integration. Follow the prompts to complete the authorization process. Once authorized, you will see a detailed preview of the linked content

  • To sync data from Asana into a Notion database, copy an Asana link to a project or task, paste the link into Notion and select Paste as database. A Notion database with Asana properties will appear and tasks will start populating automatically

  • To import your data from Asana into Notion, follow this guide

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